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Shade & Texture

Variations in size, color, texture, and pattern should be expected and enjoyed. This distinguishing characteristic of tile is a source of its natural beauty.

Each Shaw Tile & Stone flooring product is labeled for shade and color variation with one of the following ratings:

V-1 Low

Low shade and texture variations within each carton.

V-2 Moderate

Ceramic Tile – Moderate shade and texture variation
Distinguishable differences in texture and pattern within each color.

V-3 High

Ceramic Tile – High shade and texture variation
High shade and texture variation within each carton.

Important: It is imperative that tiles from various cartons be continually blended during installation to insure optimum appearance.


Ceramic Tile – Very high shade and texture variation
Random variations of shade and texture within each carton.

Important: It is imperative that tiles from various cartons be continually blended during installation to insure optimum appearance.

For a neat, contemporary-looking tile floor, choose a tile with a low shade and texture rating. A tile with a high or random shade and texture rating will achieve a more casual, rustic effect.

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